
A penny for your thoughts cards
A penny for your thoughts cards

If we find ourselves in a little more of a long grinding control matchup it can be good to bring in Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir and Oona, Queen of the Fae Teferi blocks them from casting at instant speed so their counterspells are rendered ineffective and Oona can exile a library surprisingly quick, and the 5/5 flying stats are a nice bonus. One of our weaker matchups is against aggressive decks and it's usually correct to bring in the 2 Crux of Fate to wipe a board that they have over-committed to, even better if it's a green deck because we can run Nature's Ruin for a one sided effect. The easy decisions are along the lines of High Tide runs 0 creatures so we switch the 4 Heartless Act out for 3 Miscast and 1 Duress. When it comes to sideboarding for this deck evaluating your opponents gameplan is crucial. If that sounds good this deck might be for you. So that is the base level gameplan of the deck, kill/counter whatever our opponents play land a flash threat at endstep, maintain card advantage, and grind our opponents life total down to zero. One of the unique benefits to all of our creatures having flash is that they can act as additional removal spells for our opponents attacking creatures as we can flash them in in response to an attack surprise block and kill what was a threat. Lochmere Serpent one of our better finishers also cares about cards in our opponents graveyard since it can exile 5 of them to return to our hand which can be useful in the longer games but we do need to be careful to not cripple our use of Into the Story or Drown in the Loch by doing so. It seldom feels bad to have one or more of these in hand. The cards in our opponents graveyard is actually a significant number for Drown in the Loch as well which functions off of cards in the graveyard and is one of our more versatile spells either countering a spell or destroying a creature.

a penny for your thoughts cards

Into the Story is a little better in the late game since we need our opponent to have 7 cards in their graveyard in order to make it cheaper. Fact or Fiction is usually best to cast at your opponents end step, actully most of our spells will be cast at the opponents end step unless we are responding to something. To help achieve this we run 3 copies of Fact or Fiction and 2 copies of Into the Story. Maintaining card advantage is always important with any control deck and this one is no different.

a penny for your thoughts cards

This affects 8 cards in our deck making sure that we can beat out any Mana Leak or similar effect that is thrown our way. Cunning Nightbonder reduces the cost of spells with flash by 1 and makes them uncounterable.

a penny for your thoughts cards

Īlthough High Tide usually plays some amount of counter magic we can often still land Ashiok's Erasure on the battlefield because of the Cunning Nightbonder that we run 4 of. This is particularly good against High Tide because it becomes very difficult if not impossible for them to win if they can't cast High Tide. Certainly our best card is Ashiok's Erasure which exiles a card off of the stack and that's cards controller can't cast cards with the same name as the exiled card. But since we are head hunting High Tide with this list it seems valuable to go over our best cards against them first. As you can see we do not have a lot of creatures in this list so the deck plays like a typical control deck with our first concern being to stop our opponent from winning, maintaining card advantage, and then figuring out how we close the game out.

A penny for your thoughts cards